Rod Smith,
The Strata Collective Question: I’m secretary of our strata committee and the chairperson refuses to communicate about upcoming structural changes. How can we improve communications?
Question: I have been issued a BCCM Form 1 & BCCM Form 10 at the same time for the same “breach” without any prior notices in any form. Is this common bylaw enforcement practice?
Question: One of our lot owner has a business which has a contract at the apartment complex. Are they able to nominate for an Owners Corporation committee position or is this a conflict of interest?
Elyse Warner, Deakin University We explore parents’ experiences of raising preschool-aged children in newer, private high-rise apartments. The parents experienced a range of barriers to making social connections both within their developments and with the surrounding community.
Chris Irons,
Commissioner for Body Corporate Where a body corporate cannot comply with its insurance requirement, body corporate legislation provides that the Commissioner may authorise a form of what is called “alternative” insurance.
Andrew Terrell,
Bright & Duggan This is a list of some typical oversights from builder and/or developers in the handover of strata buildings to the strata manager and the owners corporation.
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