Welcome to your Wednesday Edition of Strata Life!

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Sedgwick is conducting a Free Seminar on Solutions to Combustible Cladding in East Brisbane on the 29 August. For more information, check our Upcoming Events section towards the bottom of the newsletter or click on the banner ↓
See you next Edition, Nikki from LookUpStrata.

Latest Articles From the LookUpStrata Blog

Building Defects: Why are they a crisis? And why is it important?

Allison Benson,
Kerin Benson Lawyers

The cause of the building defects crisis is multifaceted. Why building defects are important is much simpler. It comes down to demographics.

NSW: Q&A Can we hold Electronic Meetings and have Electronic Voting?

Sophia Jiang,
Omega Legal 
Question: Can an EGM be held online? And if yes, could you please give information on how to organise it?

QLD: Q&A Duties of a Building Manager

Frank Higginson,
Hynes Legal
Question: Should purchasing parts etc for repairs around the complex form part of the duties of a building manager? If so, what mileage I can charge the Committee?

ACT: Q&A Who Pays Strata Insurance Excess as Outlined in UTMA 2011

Christopher Kerin,
Kerin Benson Lawyers

Question: Is ALL strata insurance excess in ACT paid by the owners corporation? My strata manager mention there was a rule which came in about 5 yrs ago.

NSW: Q&A Where Can I Get a Copy of My Strata Plan

Paula Byrne,
Strata Gophers

Question: How do I get a copy of my Strata Plan and how can I find out when my strata plan was registered?

Northern Australia insurance consumers need more choice and more control

A national comparison website for home insurance and greater power for consumers in claims settlements are among measures proposed by the ACCC in its latest Northern Australia Insurance Inquiry report

Last Edition's Star Articles

NSW: Q&A Can Our Owners Corporation Be Run With No Meetings?

Paula Byrnes, Strata Gophers

QLD: Q&A Unable to Have Parcel Delivery at My Apartments

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal

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Fire Safety Constructions

NSW: Compliant Specialist since 1999. All your BCA compliance and fire safety upgrade works

EasyTrades Painting & Remedial QLD

QLD: Commercial | Strata | Painting | Remedial Repairs
Activate Your Directory Listing for just $150 ex and appear in our Newsletter!

NSW: George's River Council is Updating their Keeping of Animals Policy

If you live in the George's River Council, where you aware the council is currently updating their Keeping of Animals Policy? See Section 9. The Keeping of Dogs: "Units and Townhouses Allotments and allotments less than 400m2 a maximum of one dog with a maximum weight of 11kg". View the Draft Policy and have your say by 2 Aug here.

QLD: Combustible Cladding Checklist Part 2

Identified building owners have until the 31 July to ensure that they have completed part 2 of the three-part Safer Buildings Combustible Cladding Checklist. For more information on obtaining quotes for the audit, see this recent ⚠️alert: QBCC warns owners to obtain competitive quotes for Safer Buildings Audit and more about the Safer Buildings Audit, including deadline extensions and important dates here.

Positions Vacant

Location: South Melbourne, Victoria
Role/Position: Owners Corporation Managers & Assistants
Email: [email protected]
Link: More Information

Strata Plan also has a Senior Accounts Team Member and a Senior Facilities Team Member position available.
Location: Cairns, Queensland
Role/Position: Administration Assistant – full time following 3 mth probationary period 
Email: [email protected]

Breaking News

New South Wales: 



Video: Strata The Series "You're New Here" (Pilot)

Sydney boom suburbs suffer more than double rate of building defects

Upcoming Events


Rise: 2019 Griffith University Strata Title Conference Gold Coast: 4 - 6 Sep


SCA QLD: Committee Training Spring Hill: 23 Aug, 2 - 5 pm

Sedgwick: Solutions to Combustible Cladding Seminar East Brisbane: 29 Aug, 5:30 - 8 pm

The BCCM office: Body corporate seminars

New Zealand

SCA (NZ): Body Corporate Committee Training Parnell: 26 Aug, 5 - 8 pm

Upcoming Events

New South Wales

Women In Strata: An Afternoon with Jamila Rizvi Syd: 16 Aug, 12 - 5 pm

City of Sydney: Detox your apartment - Chemical CleanOut Alexandria: 24 Aug, 9 am - 3:30 pm

ACRA & SCA (NSW): Breakfast Q&A Strata Focus Panel Discussion Lavendar Bay: 18 Sep, 7:30 - 9 am

Western Australia

SCA WA: Managing the Whole Picture Bentley: 1 Aug, 8 - 9:30 am

SCA WA: Lot Owner Committee Training Bentley: 13 Aug, 2 - 5 pm

SCA WA: Clean Slate/ Brave New World Bentley: 29 Aug, 2 - 5 pm

SCA A100 - Intro to Strata Subiaco: 2 - 4 Sep, 9 am - 3 pm

SCA WA: PD Strata Plans & issues they raise Bentley: 17 Oct, 2 - 5 pm

SCA WA: 2019 Convention & Awards Gala Burswood: 8 Nov, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
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