Peter Hunt, Mathews Hunt Legal Question: We are unable to navigate an area of common property at night due to a bright light shining into the space from a neighbour.
Leanne Habib, Premium Strata Question: If the strata committee has been unable to provide an immediate answer to a question can the explanation be added as a note/addendum to the minutes of the meeting?
Simon Plummer, StrataRatings Question: Who is responsible for insurance to cover townhouses that are on their own title? I believe lot owners would be responsible for individual strata insurance.
Jan Browne,
Whittles Strata Partners Question: If the Executive Committee is unable to justify expenditure can Owners Corporation request reimbursement from Committee members?
Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal The question about how to adjust contribution schedule lot entitlements has finally been put to rest. In practical terms, you won't be able to adjust the CSLE unless there's a resolution without dissent at a general meeting.
Warwick van Ede, JS Mueller & Co Cracked walls and failing waterproof membranes are two of the common issues which owners corporations have to deal with when repair common property. The backing of an insurer can be a “life saver” in a situation like this.
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NSW: Enter the SCA NSW Strata Community and Engagement Award
The City of Sydney is a proud sponsor of SCA NSW Strata Community and Engagement Award which recognises strata schemes that are working to reduce their impact on the environment. Entries are now open and close on 31 May. Calling for nominations from all of NSW.
VIC: Owners Corporations and Other Acts Amendment Bill
The release of the exposure draft provides a final opportunity for stakeholders to comment on the proposed reforms before the Bill is finalised for introduction into Parliament. Submissions close 10 May, 2019.