This article about cladding registration deadline and whether you need to register your building has been supplied by Sedgwick.
On the 22nd February 2019, the NSW Cladding Registration deadline will hit. Are you prepared, do you need help? Please see this link for more information on how and where to register your building for cladding.
The need for self-regulation and what comes next leading up to the cladding registration deadline can be confusing for Strata Managers and the Owners Corporations they represent. With a myriad of information flooding the market at the moment knowing how to tackle the issue of combustible cladding can be daunting. Not to mention financial penalties that will be imposed for failing to register your Strata Plan. Failure to register may incur fines of $1500 for individuals and $3000 for corporations.
Is your building affected by the cladding registration deadline?
Do you know if your building has been impacted by the installation of either Aluminium Composite Panelling (ACP) or insulated cladding products? Without expert assistance, it can be difficult to identify what is a high risk, a non- compliant product that does not meet current Australian Standards.
Be sure to choose a building consultancy division with knowledge in combustible cladding and how to address and manage this issue in a clear, concise and considerate manner. Since our inception in 2003 Sedgwick has been working with our clients to resolve their defect issues, with cladding being “the new kid on the block”.
Sedgwick’s involvement in the scoping and management of remedial repairs of the Lacrosse fire in Docklands, Melbourne back in 2014 put us at the front line of the combustible cladding crisis. We are at the forefront of Government and industry response and are working with our clients throughout their journey to deliver the best and most cost-effective outcomes.
Be sure to choose an organisation who is an expert in defect identification and remediation. They can assist you at every stage and guide you through the process, from assistance in registering your building, to testing of suspect cladding material, right through to removal and/or the management of remedial works. Ensure your Strata Scheme’s compliance with the Government’s regulation and Australian Standards.
Following registration, Sedgwick’s 5 step process will deliver you with the evidence required to know where your building stands, and what the next step/s will be to address combustible cladding if found on your Strata Plan. We can step in at any stage along the way or be there for the entire journey.
Click here for a PDF of the 5 Step Process.
Are you an owner in a building affected by combustible cladding? RMIT would like to invite you to participate in the ‘‘At what cost? Cladding concerns for owners” research project.
They are interested in learning more about the scale of the problems owners of property affected by combustible cladding face day to day across Australia, particularly those living in apartments. Find out more via this document from RMIT.
Edwina Feilen
P: 02 9934 5079
M: 0424 750 900
E: [email protected]
This post appears in Strata News #224.
Read next:
- Q&A Can non-fire rated Aluminium Composite Panels comply with National Construction Code
- Does Your Strata Building Contain Non-compliant cladding?
Visit our Maintenance and Common Property, Strata Building Defects OR NSW Strata Legislation
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My building was built in 1972, 12 apartments, brick built and the only aluminium is the window frames. The fear and scare mongering since the fires in London has made our body corp to seek a cert when there is no panelling anywhere obviously we all pay, another furphy and keeping someone in a job